Help us keep our programs running!

Help us keep our programs running!

Donating $65,085.44 to pay Bliss Towers residents back rent!

Books & Breakfast

  • This program brings reading, delicious breakfast, family and community all together in the same room.

    It gives kids a chance to take home books to read with their friends and families, encouraging them to focus on reading development skills and creating positive relationships with people they trust and love.

    Often a local community member will read a book during the event.

    These programs usually meet on Saturday mornings in Catskill, Hudson, Albany and Akron OH.

  • $10 - Sponsor one individual for one event - they will receive one book & one meal!

    $200 - Sponsor a full Books & Breakfast event (20 individuals per event)!

    ***Make it recurring to cover the cost all year long!

Housing Justice Tech League

  • This is a free after-school program for young people that teaches them about media, art and how to use it as a form of communication and political action.

    They learn how to use cameras, edit videos and create works of art that tell stories about their community.

    Every session meets weekly for about 2 months during the fall and serves participants snacks and dinner.

  • $20 - One meal for one student

    $67 - One meal & program materials (gear rentals, computer program costs, etc).

    $100 - Covers all students’ snacks and dinner for one session

    ***Make any donation recurring to cover the cost all year long!

Tenants Rights Hotline

  • Our Tenants Rights Hotline is an active phone line that people can call which provides invaluable resources and education to empower tenants to fight for their legal rights.

  • $30 - Covers the cost of the software needed to run the hotline for 2 weeks

    $60 - Covers the cost of the software needed to run the hotline for 1 month

    ***Make it recurring to cover the cost of this program all year long!

Programs we need support with:

The Free School - Albany

  • The Free School in Albany is a unique and important model of true community based education.

    At the Free School, kids learn through play, exploration and our approach fosters creative thinkers.

    The Free School is an incubator for innovative schools and child-centered educational practices and a progressive model of education that is responsive to a world that is full of learning experiences and styles.

    Over the past decade, the Free School has directly inspired and helped to start more than a dozen schools and alternative learning spaces across the country and around the world.

  • $25 - School supplies for one student for one month.

    ***Make it recurring to cover the cost of this program all year long!

    Supplies needed includes: Hand soap, toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning spray, antibacterial wipes, face-masks, cleaning cloths, silverware, paints, canvasses, cardstock, exterior paint, extra winter clothes, First aid supplies- Band-Aids, thermometers & thermometer covers, sliver tweezers (narrow metal ones), ice packs

Movement House - St. Louis, MO

  • The Movement House in St. Louis, MO is a space we are building for Black activists and community groups to retreat, skill build and commune together. The house is able to accommodate 5-10 people and groups usually stay around 5 days with meals included.

  • $100 funds the program for 1 day.

    $500 funds the program for 5 days.

We are here to support our community.

Now you can too!

Here’s what we did in 2022:

  • Donated $65,000 to Bliss Towers residents to cover back rent for all tenants and prevent eviction

  • On-boarded new team members including: Elliott Matos as the Lead Organizer in Catskill,
    Lexis Figuereo as the Capital Region Outreach Coordinator

  • Partnered with Black Voters Matter to organize the community to vote

  • Began to build our Movement House in St. Louis, a space for organizers to take respite at and collaborate

  • Worked on the Hudson Breathe Act, a Black-led multi-year vision that offers a radical reimagining of public safety, community care, and how we spend money as a society.

  • Delivered postcards to every household in Hudson with our legal clinic information - and we plan on tackling Catskill next!

  • Began the free community programing "Books and Breakfast" in Hudson & Catskill promoting reading, encouraging Black voter registration and of course feeding everyone while we're at it.

Hudson/Catskill Housing Coalition is a registered non-profit organization under the tax code 501(c)(3). All of your donations are tax-deductible and we are more than happy to send you a letter with your donation amount for tax purposes upon request.


Your contribution will fight for housing, economic and racial justice in Hudson, Catskill, Albany and beyond.